01 March 2011

I woke up like 10 minutes ago, feeling not so bad as yesterday. But remembered I had another nightmare, so here it is... Firstly, I had a nightmare about a school trip. People from college, Alex Lister, Jenny my cousin and her family where there, and we was going across from Princess Quay shopping centre in like this swing chair thing, which flew you over the river humber. Mine sorta broke and the river froze, I was crying because I couldnt swim.
Then I had another nightmare, where I lived down the Avenues in quite a big house, but I could never remember which one was mine. Even though, across the road Hannah Baxter lived with her family, and Kylie and Kendall Kardashian (WTF?). So yeah, I was arguing like mad with them, about my Topshop boots and a pair of these like short wet leather ones. I wanted my Topshop ones back, but they didn't want to give me them because they wanted them for themselves (god knows why!). So I went round to Hannahs house and was in the Hallway with them, crying my eyes out saying 'Why do you want my boots? When you 2 do modelling and make millions and can afford whatever you want!!!!???'. And then I went in Hannahs livingroom and like all her family was there. They where having a party and I came in and knocked down loads of scaffolding, which resulted in Hannahs stepdad kicking me out. So I started walking down the street and I went to this doctors house, he was like Arabic or something and said we was going to a supermarket with the other people he had. with him. At the Supermarket we all got given these labels, one saying we where Christian and another saying whatever other religion we actually was. There was like a few Muslims, but I was Jewish. When we went to this supermarket we got told to go through to the back to watch this secret DVD, but they wouldnt let us through. So we started running around the shop looking for this certain numbered room for safety. I don't know where everyone else went, but I ended up in a changing room with like people from all over the world, like a Chinese young woman was there with a black and white kitten to give me, an Asian woman with a baby in a pram and like this family where everyone had really dark Red hair... To be honest, I think Dorothea Jorgenson was in there (however you spell her name). I can't remember much after this, but we where all just talking and laughing with each other, getting on really well and then getting really upset because we couldn't actually be friends because we where all different religions.
So yeah! What the actual hell is going on with my dreams? I've had like 5 in 5 nights?

Dream 1. I had massive cuts on my neck and I didn't know how I'd got them. Then this girl started accusing me of been a weirdo and self harming, so I started slamming her head into the desk at college.
Dream 2. I was at McDonalds in Florida, and a baby started having a go at me, so someone told it to die and it's family started attacking us, by throwing knives and forks at us. Again, this cut my face and neck :|
Dream 3. A ghost or something weird kept taking over me and pinning me down in my bed, stopping me from talking..
Then I didnt have a dream this night because I barely had any sleep, due to been ill.
Dream 4 and 5: the ones I have just explained.... I'm scared!!!

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